Monday, September 10, 2007

Walking the path straight and narrow

How do I change my path?
Can you cause a river to flow backward or sideways?
Maybe, so can I change my path?
Questions to my answers, answers to my questions?
As I walk my path, travel on my life's journey, sail the ship on the ocean of life. No journey is without peril no ones path is straight. How do i change my path?
Go back into myself, can I be reborn? The ship doesn't sail without a captain. Can I trust myself to be lead can I be a leader?
What is so special about the path, why is the journey so important?
Questions to my answers, answers to my questions?
aM i WEARING MY SKIN INSIDE OUT! what protects me as I journey?
I find unfound secrets, mystery inside history inside herstory. Who changed their path and why? Is the ability to cause change divine or mine?

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