Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Today is trick or treat day there's a party in the office.

pot luck I was in got 5$ on chicken group.
I get asked where's your costume:


Don't play with me, they know dang on well I don't do costumes.
Plus I already announced I'm not in the mood today.
So happy Halloween you ghost and ghouls

Monday, October 29, 2007

ALL HALLOWS SAMHAIM ALL HALLOW'S EVE HALLOWEEN THE GREAT SABBAT ALL SOULS DAY DIA DE LOS MUERTOS HALLOW E'eN A spirit night borrowing from many different traditions I've come up with my own celebration. Honoring relatives that have made an impact in my life. My father Edward Eugene Williamson 1947 - 1972 rest in peace DADDY. My great-uncle Nelson L. Alston 1923 - 1995 the man who raised me taught me how to be a stubborn bitch. Also how to face adversity with a smile.

My auntie Bonnie Lynn Smith 1957 - 2006 she blessed me with a calmness.If there is a heaven she's there.
My papa Robert Jones Jr. he give me my work ethic no matter what the job do it well. In memory I honor them for their strengths, wisdom, grace, and love. I'll eat a snickers for my uncle, drink a Lil gin for papa and read the Bible for my aunt. For my Daddy I'll just be still, holding a space in my heart of hearts for him.


I was in the shower thinking I'm not myself.
I'm not the woman i want to be.
I question myself in my relationship with my man.
I'm feeling through with this self and longing for another.
my normal, healthy, or sane condition?
What sane condition I wear insanity panties wedged in my ass.


Main Entry: my·self
Pronunciation: \mī-ˈself, mə-, Southern also -ˈsef\
Function: pronoun
Date: before 12th century
1 : that identical one that is I —used reflexively
, for emphasis
, or in absolute constructions
2 : my normal, healthy, or sane condition

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thank the GODS it is Friday.

If I have to talk to one more stupid woman, who doesn't know that her pussy is for more than fucking I'll SCREAM - WAKE UP! thanks spike.

That felt good.

One good thing is today is SCIFI Friday channel 244, yes I am a scifi junkie.

Stargate Atlantis Ronan Dex how sweet it is how sweet he is.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


5 Chiastolite has been used since ancient times for protection.
It transmutes conflict into harmony and dispels negative thoughts and energies.
Some uses of Chiastolite include:
Psychic protection
Strengthen any chakra
Overcome feelings of loneliness, isolation or depression
Protection for travellers
Gateway to mysteries and out of body travel
Enhances the energy of prosperity stones

I've chosen five stones with one as a protector the Chiastolite. The stones are to be put into a bag and carried on your person. Because the need was due to depression I also suggested that he carry his stones in a yellow bag:

The shade of yellow determines the meaning. Pure, bright and sunny yellow is the easiest color to see. People who are blind to other colors can usually see yellow. Yellow is full of creative and intellectual energy. Always use yellow note pads.
Yellow symbolizes wisdom. Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Sunday's color is yellow-gold.
Yellow Energy
Like the energy of a bright sunny day, yellow brings clarity and awareness. The shade of yellow determines its effect: Yellow-green can mean deceit, and creates a disoriented feeling. Orange-yellow imparts a sense of establishment. Clean light yellow clears the mind, making it active and alert.
Put some yellow in your life when you want:
clarity for decision-making
relief from 'burnout', panic, nervousness, exhaustion
sharper memory and concentration skills
protection from lethargy and depression during dull weather

or purple:
Color Purple - Violet

Purple is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good color to use in meditation.
Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color. Most children love the color purple. Purple is the color most favored by artists. Thursday's color is purple.
Violet is the color of purpose. Violet is associated with the Crown chakra (This links individual and universal).
Violet Energy
Violet is a combination of blue and red. Red is a focusing, dynamic and active energy while blue is cooling, calming and expansive. Violet brings a new dynamic to the expansion of blue and the activity of red. Red brings practicality to the undirected expansiveness of the blue, and allows more creative energy to emerge. For this reason, violet is associated with imagination and inspiration.
Violet is an important energy for those who use blue and indigo skills in the psychic field. The red in violet offers a grounding effect.
Put some violet in your life when you want:
to use your imagination to its fullest
to re-balance your life
to remove obstacles
to calm over activity or to energize from depression

The Blues

My brother called about being depressed and suffering from depression since high school. I work with a few non-tradition healing methods so he wanted some advise. First I told him to get up and exercise, because this causes good blood flow and getting O2 into the blood cells which improves your health. No he said, "I want something for lazy people." Well I thought about it one reason he's feeling so lazy is due to the depression which is only acerbated by the lack of exercise. So I've started with helping his emotional state with Bach flower essence:

Mustard: Helps you when you feel suddenly depressed for no reason. It feels like a cold dark cloud have destroyed all happiness and cheerfulness.
Elm: You get overwhelmed by your work overload and feel depressed and exhausted.
Sweet Chestnut: Helps you when the anguish is too great and seem to be unbearable. Your mind r body feels as if it had bore to be the uttermost limit of its endurance. It feels as there is nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face.
Willow: Helps you when you have suffered adversity or misfortune and find it difficult to accept. You feel sorry for yourself and are grumble and sulky.
Gorse: Feeling hopeless and pessimistic
Gentian: Due to set-back and for known reason.

How to take the Bach Flower Remedies?
Dilute two drops* of the remedy in a glass of water and sip at intervals (*4 drops for Rescue Remedy)
For multiple use add two drops of each chosen remedy (no more than seven) to a 30 ml bottle, top up with mineral water and take four drops at least four times a day
If necessary the Bach Flower Remedies can be dropped neat onto the tongue, or rubbed onto the lips, behind the ears, or on the temples and wrists
Bach Flower Remedies can be used as often as desired. In a crisis you may need only one dose but for a continuing emotional problem you can take them for as long as needed

I myself frequently use Bach rescue remedies.

Next I suggested gemstone healing;

1 Healing properties of Ametrine
Ametrine is very helpful in getting rid of depression. This leads to inner peace and tranquility.
Many believe that it contains the powers of amethyst and citrine in one stone, making it a very powerful money stone as well as an excellent via to higher psychic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.

2 Tangerine Calcite wand(1-1 1/2" long)
Orange Calcite properties
Orange Calcite can be used to get positive energy moving in the areas of sexuality, and creativity. Orange Calcite has strong energizing and cleansing properties.
Balances emotions
Removes fear
Overcomes depression
Dissolves problems standing in the way of achieving your best potential

3 Obsidian helps to protect the very sensitive against depression. It is the stone of the soft hearted and gentle people of the world. Use obsidian to help block negativity of any kind. As a black gemstone, it symbolizes self control and resilience. Black stones have protective energies in the sense that black is the absence of light, and therefore, can be used to create invisibility.

I absolutely love Obsidian!

4 Healing properties of Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz is connected with the sounds of the universe. It makes you more aware of sounds including telepathic sounds. Smokey Quartz helps relieve depression.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I have decided to go back to school. I vowed never to go back for a BSN but things change. I've been giving alot of thought to the course my life is taking. My job is OK I get to blog at work. I'm a planner so I thought what is it that I want to do.Not what everyone else thinks I should do. So I really want to travel to Africa-South Africa and Tanzania. Work more with women's health especially Black women. Work to make changes in my community with teaching and programming. I've decided to return to school for my BSN focus on community health nursing. There are three schools with a program that might suit me Depaul, North Park University and Uof I. Next would be a masters either in Global health or International health then PhD a total of 10yrs. of school. By then I'll be 50 no kids at home ready to travel and work as I will. But I'm I prepared to be on my own? I've never been alone in my adult life 2 kids 2marriages 2divorces 1shack-up with my ex( 1st. Husband ) It's a comfortable relationship not a loving or caring one we just live together.
I think about if I had to give myself relationship advice would I be honest. Would I take my own advise? No probably not, not now I just couldn't. But first things first I'm going back to school.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Now is the time for change the season is fall or autumn if you like. Ground yourself to mother earth plant your feet breath roots down to her core. In your seat connect with her woman to woman your core connected with a coiling rope to the earth’s core. Breathe deeply expanding your belly. This is the moment for change breathe deep C-H-A-N-G-E want you to open your EARS, can you hear it, concentrate listen for the changes in your life. Listen to the changes in your life, hear yourself change- from a girl to a woman, from single to couple or vise-verse, change from sad to glad, I’m alive, from job to jobless. L-I-S-T-E-N, B-R-E-A-T-H, C-H-A-N-G-E, stay grounded. This is also the time when things change a Lil slower, night comes sooner, the day is shorter, the air is crisp and clean, enjoy this change to a quieter season L-I-S-T-E-N, can you hear your change

Friday, October 5, 2007


What world do I live in? This is the question that has been on my mind for days. Sunday I traveled downtown with by daughter for some shopping. On our way back by EL-train a group of about 5-6 black youth were also on the train. One had bought a pair on green and white Nike shoes each boy had a wad of bills. I told my daughter these are the same boys we saw begging for donations for baseball uniforms for their team. Nice hustle I don't frown on any entrepreneurship. So out come the dice and the nasty language not acceptable. I wanted to say something to them about gambling in public can cost you a night in jail or stop all that cuss 'in. But I was afraid I was afraid of a group of 12 maybe 14 year old black boys. What world do I live in when I fear children ? I saw beautiful young black men imagining what they'd look like as men. But a truly was afraid if I opened my mouth what anger and violence would I meet? So today I thought about a nursery rhyme me and my brother did in Feb about Lil black boys and girls. I'd like to share it with anyone who'll read it help me sort out the madness-what world do I live in?

What are you made of?

If Lil black girls are made of attitude,skin tight clothes and NAPPY hair. Then LITTLE black boys are made of crack cocaine,future gangsta rap lyrics and shoot outs,right? If little black girls are made out to be sexual objects, future crack fiends and baby momma drama. Then little BLACK boys are made of,future crack dealers and dead beat dads. If little black GIRLS are made of being the future hoes, bust downs AND shorties Then LITTLE black boys are made out to be the future pimps and killers. What are you made out of? If little blacks girls are the next"America's top model," and little BOYS are the next,"Lebron James," of the world. Then who will be the doctors,lawyers,team owners, bankers, presidents, mothers,fathers,sisters, and brothers then what will they be? if our eyes are the windows to our souls. Then turn off the TVs. because if they control your eyes, they can control your souls. Protect our children!


What I'm made of!

This LIL black girl is made of thank-you and please, shorts that came to her knees and pressing combed hair, occasionally some braids with beads. That Lil BLACK boy is made of cap'n crunch and hip hop lyrics and shoot outs with the latest video game craze, right? If black girls are made out to be Afrikan queens, future freedom fighters and mothers of our dreams. Then Lil black boys are made of, future proud parents to be. If Lil black girls are made to be the future mothers of black man's seed, soul mates and girlfriends. Then Lil black boys are made out to be gentleman and providers of their communities. What are you made of? Of Lil black girls are the next "Builders of a nation," ( not aired yet still looking for an acceptable station) and lil black boys are the next "Malcolm X," OF THE WORLD. then WHO WILL BE THE PIMPS, HOES, DRUG DEALERS, Gangstarappers, tokens, ballerbabymommadeadbeatdadcrackheadchickenheadN-I-G-G-E-R then what will they be? If our eyes remain shaded behind golden rimmed glasses,the lights will always be out. Because if you can't see the full and complete picture you can't control your destiny. Protect the children-TAKE OFF THE FREAKIN GLASSES.